All content is sent via one interface, which not only improves efficiency but also quality as this avoids transmission errors. And that gives us the chance to devote all our attention to the task at hand. This is also true of the reverse process in which the translated, edited or proofread texts are automatically sent back via the system.
Another benefit: Implenia sends texts to Apostroph with just one click in the system, triggering the order at the same time. The relevant person at Apostroph automatically receives a notification and can start work immediately.
Consistent wording – thanks to the translation memory
The content of the annual report is binding and must therefore be worded precisely. Using different expressions for the same subject in different sections of the annual report is something that has to be avoided at all costs. Thanks to the translation memory, this is something Implenia and Apostroph have under control.
All previous translations are stored in the translation memory which also has access to Implenia’s corporate wording. The system ensures that all language instructions are observed and, wherever necessary, text passages from previous years correspond to the new content. This is how Apostroph ensures that Implenia’s content is translated and proofread consistently and in line with the brand – and presented convincingly in all language versions.
Last-minute changes updated directly
“We’ve just had to change a few final details in the letter from the chairman.” Changes at short notice tend to be the norm in annual reports. It’s easy to make mistakes in this kind of situation – particularly if various file versions are in circulation. But things run smoothly between Implenia and Apostroph – even though everything happens in real time.
Implenia adapts any text directly in the editorial system and Apostroph receives the updates as a TMX/XLIFF export. That sounds technical but in practice it means one thing in particular: this direct transmission eliminates potential sources of error. And it allows us to concentrate in full on the translation – a major advantage, particularly if texts have to be produced at speed.

Only new text translated (offering additional savings potential)
Large, multilingual projects such as annual or half-year reports often require follow-up translations. These often contain sections that have been translated before. Technology is a significant help here too because the system marks and locks unchanged text segments so that it is immediately obvious that no new translation is required. Naturally, this is taken into account when it comes to billing, offering additional savings potential.
Ready for the next time – always up to date with alignment
Once one annual or half-year report is finished, preparations get under way for the next one. In order to ensure everyone is ready for the next Implenia report, Apostroph executes what is referred to as an alignment of the published content once the report is completed and reads it into the translation memory. The old translations are overwritten in the process so that the translation memory only contains the final and up-to-date versions.
And, as we are also a general contractor when it comes to language services, Implenia entrusts us with the transcription and subtitling of the annual report videos as well as with the simultaneous interpreting at the analysts’ and media conference and the town hall meeting for the employees. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the invaluable cooperation!
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