Multilingual annual report – sit back and relax

The annual report. It is the crowning glory of corporate communication, the identity-defining business card of companies and organisations. But producing an annual report in all language versions and for all communication platforms in a homogeneous form – that is a complex business. The key to time- and cost-efficient implementation lies in smart automation based on comprehensive process expertise, says Philipp Ursprung, Head of Translation Technology at Apostroph Switzerland. What exactly does he mean by that? What does that mean in real terms?

Philipp Ursprung, Head of Translation Technology

Putting an annual report together is a wonderful challenge – after all, you are helping create what is perhaps the most important publication of the year. But most of those involved in a project of this magnitude will agree that there are less nerve-racking activities than compiling the annual report – especially when it is published in several languages. Presenting text, graphics and images of lots of internal authors in a target-oriented way for diverse stakeholders and communication channels, last-minute changes in the middle of the jungle of different versions – these things all demand a great deal of everyone involved. It’s a great help if you know you can rely on professional support in translation management. Smart technology, coupled with decades of expertise with multilingual annual reports, is the key. And Apostroph has both.

Smart interfaces – without friction but with maximum data security 

With our apoCONNECTORS, we link your editorial or content management system directly to our translation platform. With just a few clicks, you send us new or modified texts that need to be translated directly from your system – without any time-consuming, error-prone file handling, without any unnecessary external tools. Data transfer is SSL-encrypted (in compliance with the banking standard) so that your data is protected at all times.


Accurate without losing any time – identical formatting in all languages

Transferring your annual report texts and our translations in XML-based XLIFF format does away with the need for reformatting the translations. XLIFF saves the format details and ensures a uniform text design for all versions. An inestimable advantage, particularly when it comes to last-minute translations and changes.


No time-consuming version handling – you must have more important things to do, surely?

Content which already exists in the target language is made available by our smart, client-specific translation memory. Content that has only been modified slightly in the source language benefits from the optimal integration and adaptation by our language professionals. That makes the whole translation process unbeatably efficient, consistent and thus cost-effective because the translators genuinely only edit the modified content, but work on it in the overall context. The result is a top-quality translation. You can safely cross version handling off your to-do list thanks to our apoCONNECTORS and a client-specific translation memory and invest the time saved in top-quality content. Just send us the latest version in the source language. Our smart automation and the process optimised to your particular project take care of the rest. Which is gentle on your budget and – not least – your nerves.

Would you like to spare your nerves and concentrate on what is essential in your annual report? We’ll find the most cost- and time-efficient solution. Our specialists will work with you to define an optimised process for the translation of your annual report. We would be happy to simulate the procedure for you in a test process. In this way, you will be optimally prepared and everything will run like clockwork in the hectic phase of the translation process. Even when changes are made at the last minute or even second. Within your budget, in as little time as possible, and with peace of mind. And that will help you focus on what is more important, such as giving your “business card” its final polish.


Author: Philipp

Let’s talk about how we can best implement your annual report in all required language versions.

I am looking forward to finding the best solution with you.
Philipp Ursprung
Head of Translation Technology

Philipp Ursprung is Apostroph Switzerland’s Head of Translation Technology. His specialist field: introducing and further developing translation technologies and optimizing multilingual processes in companies. In this field, he also deals with artificial intelligence – the latest generation of machine translation applications.

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