From an after-dinner speech to a trial
Consecutive interpreting is basically divided into two types: the first is unilateral – when translation only takes place in one language direction. This is used, for example, when a speaker does not speak an audience’s language.
The second is bilateral consecutive interpreting – also known as conversation interpreting – and involves interpreting in both language directions, for example, during an interview. The advantage here is that a dialogue develops between the parties involved, making the conversation livelier and interesting.
Consecutive interpreting takes more time and is therefore only suitable for shorter meetings, negotiations and smaller events where the installation of booth technology is not needed.
Interpreting without misunderstandings
In negotiations, the devil is often in the detail. Consecutive, i.e., time-delayed, interpreting allows the language professional to ask questions if anything is unclear and, if necessary, to elaborate on the wording in the target language. This guarantees the highest possible accuracy.
Apostroph works with interpreters familiar with both the language of the business world and the terminology of your industry. As a leading language service provider in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, we also have access to interpreting professionals with expertise in demanding sectors such as medicine, pharmaceuticals, technology and law.
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No content is lost thanks to flash notes
Longer passages are often spoken before the interpreting can take place. That’s why our consecutive interpreters also need to be skilled at taking notes. This sign system varies, the recording takes place at an enormous speed and serves as a mental aid.
Our language professionals are not only linguistically versed, but they also have a perfect command of note-taking. That’s why you can rely on accurate and complete interpreting in the target language.
We also record the spoken word in writing
There are many situations where you need both interpreting services and translated documents. Let’s say you’re doing a factory tour with a group from Japan that might be a potential future business partner. During the tour of your production halls, a consecutive interpreter translates for your guests from Asia.
To ensure that what you say has a lasting effect, at the end you give the participants documentation detailing your company history, providing information on your successful products and including a summary of the visit in Japanese. Apostroph supports you with all your language needs – and in 100 other languages besides Japanese.
Find out more about translations and editorial translations
The advantages of our consecutive interpreting service at a glance:
- Only experienced professionals with a completed degree or recognised diploma in interpreting
- Use of native speakers without exception
- Specialist expertise in medicine and pharmaceuticals, finance and insurance, law and technology
- Many years of experience
- Assignments for international and Swiss companies, organisations and authorities
- Numerous language combinations
- Business-fluent
- Interpreting of longer statements
- Above-average concentration skills and resistance to stress
- The professional and friendly appearance of our experienced interpreters at events of all kinds
- Absolute confidentiality
Any questions?
The appropriate type of interpreting depends on the nature of the event, the number of participants and the time frame available. We would be happy to determine which type is suitable for your project.
Find out more about interpreting
Simultaneous interpreting is the verbal transmission of what is said into another language by specially trained interpreters and in real time. Simultaneous interpreting is essential, for example, at congresses with a large, international audience.
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As the term suggests, this form of interpreting can be found at events such as symposia or conferences. Depending on the circumstances, simultaneous or consecutive interpreting may be used. In both cases, technical equipment such as an interpreter booth and headphones are necessary.
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In whispered interpreting, the professional interpreter sits right next to the person and whispers the content into that person’s ear. This is the case, for example, at a discreet meeting between two heads of state.
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Consecutive interpreting is the non-simultaneous spoken translation of one language into another by a specially trained interpreter. Consecutive interpreting is used, for example, in interviews.
Find out more about interpreting