IT fuelled by coffee: Tomer Barnea keeps the systems running smoothly

Tomer Barnea is Head of ICT at Apostroph Switzerland. He has strong communication skills, enjoys working with other teams and is committed to creating added value for our clients. And he’s helping to shape the future of our business with AI and LLMs.

Tomer Barnea, Head of ICT, Apostroph Switzerland

Tomer, what brought you to Apostroph Group?

I went straight into IT consultancy after I qualified and I was hooked. I really wanted the opportunity to drive forward IT at a company in line with a long-term vision. Since I have quite good communications skills – for someone who works in IT at least (laughs) – and I like languages, Apostroph is a perfect match for me (smiles).

What are your main day-to-day responsibilities and tasks?

Broadly speaking, it’s my job to make sure that everything is running smoothly. We need the IT systems to be working properly so that everyone can get on with their work. A lot of what I do is about fighting fires, but we do think strategically too. Two areas we’re focusing on are:

  • Developing applications for our clients and our freelancers.
  • Working on developments to do with artificial intelligence (AI). This will determine the future of Apostroph. We’re committed to taking a proactive approach to AI and using it to generate added value for our clients.

One part of my job that I really enjoy is talking to the people on the front line – that means the other teams at Apostroph, such as project management, sales, marketing and finance.

What big projects are in progress or in the pipeline?

The projects fall within two main areas right now.

  • First of all, we’re developing the interfaces that connect our clients’ systems directly to ours. This allows us to process translation projects efficiently with minimal margin for error. It cuts out all the back and forth with different versions of files and e-mail attachments.
  • We’re also integrating language with AI. In other words, we’re using large language models (LLMs) for various purposes, including creating summaries through a kind of interactive search called chatting with your documents. We’re also applying this new technology to quality assurance.

Can you tell us a bit more about how Apostroph uses AI for quality assurance?

I’ll be happy to. So, we use AI to check the quality of our texts. We do this using systems that we’ve developed internally, such as apoSUGGEST. We use the context of individual segments to check that all the sentences are grammatically correct – this is all done on internal computers, of course.

Does Apostroph use other AI applications to improve efficiency?

Yes. For internal processes, for example. We use LLMs here too along with other AI models. Our apoSMART system uses AI to read e-mails and import them directly into our CRM (customer relationship management) and ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems. This means orders can be automatically added to our database using the information in e-mails from clients.

Would it be an option for Apostroph clients to use apoSMART too?

In theory, yes. We could build and train an AI model like this one using client data too and then connect it to the client’s ERP, for example. This cuts out so much work every day because the information is added directly to the internal system. Employees are left with more time to focus on delivering one-to-one customer service.

How much thought is given to data protection and security on behalf of our clients?

We take data protection and security very seriously:

  • All our data is stored on a private cloud in Switzerland and we have a failover system in place.
  • We also put a lot of effort into providing regular staff training so that everyone is aware of the most important points and knows how to keep data protected and secure. When it comes to security, our employees are our biggest asset. I really enjoy working with our teams.

Tomer, please complete these sentences:

The language that sounds the most attractive to me is…

A good day starts with…
a chat by the coffee machine.

And ends with...
a good book.

I’ve got no time for...
people who are dishonest.

I’ve always got time for...
an aperitif.


Do you have any questions about language technology or a planned project?

I would be happy to tell you more about our development department and our technological possibilities – and introduce you to Apostroph Group.
Tomer Barnea
Head of ICT
Apostroph Team Tomer Barnea

Do you have any questions or are you interested in working with us?

I would be happy to answer your questions or introduce you to Apostroph Group and our services in a personal meeting.
Nadia Gaille
Head of Customer Success

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Achieving goals together

  • Your projects in the best hands

    We work with single points of contact. As a result, you will be looked after by a highly experienced contact person who takes your needs into account and keeps you up to date at all times.
  • We speak your language

    Depending on the project, we put together specific teams of internal and external experts who are well versed in your corporate language.
  • Language intelligence

    Our in-house IT and development department ensures the clever use of technologies so that man and machine are in harmony in an intelligent way.