Apostroph Group’s Ethics and conduct principles

Violations of ethics and conduct principles - making a confidential report.

Apostroph Switzerland making a confidential report

Apostroph Group respects and lives up to ethics and conduct principles. If Apostroph employees violate these principles, external third parties or employees can report this to the Group’s ethics officers.

If you are considering sending us a report on an incident, you may be unsure about how to proceed. We understand that you do not want to make such a report rashly and that perhaps much has already happened before such a step is considered.

Ethics and conduct principles at Apostroph

When you contact us, our ethics officers will take the time to listen to you and understand your concerns. You can arrange a conversation with our representatives or meet them in person. In any case, your identity will be protected. The ethics officers will work with you to ensure they understand what has happened or could happen in the future. You do not need to prove to us that you are right. You will only be asked to tell us what you already know.

How do external third parties and employees report to Apostroph Group?

  • They can address their observation, complaint or suspicion to the mailbox ethics@apostrophgroup.ch. Only the ethics officers (Head of HR and Head of Customer Success) have access to this. If a report concerns the Head of HR or the Head of Customer Success, the person making the report should contact the CEO directly.
  • Reports can be submitted anonymously. Such information is also accepted and further processed.
  • Anyone who submits a complaint or suspicion in good faith does not have to fear any disadvantages, not even if the report proves to be unfounded after an in-depth review.
  • The ethics officers
    • protect the identity of whistle-blowers
    • securely store the details of people making reports and restrict access to this information
    • respond to reports within five working days
    • decide jointly on how to process a report; they reserve the right not to ignore abusive reports (revenge reports)
    • will only involve other responsible persons (e.g. public officials in the event of a breach of the law) if the content of the report necessitates it

Achieving goals together

  • Your projects in the best hands

    We work with single points of contact. As a result, you will be looked after by a highly experienced contact person who takes your needs into account and keeps you up to date at all times.
  • A spirit of partnership

    We have long-standing partnerships with many of our clients. In addition to quality, they appreciate our values such as reliability, transparency and fairness.
  • Certified security

    Both our information security and our quality management are ISO certified, which guarantees secure processes.