Tea break with Sabina Wermelinger, Assistant Vendor Manager

“Everything about languages is so exciting”

Sabina grew up in an area called Napf in Switzerland – and has roots at the Atlantic. So it’s no great surprise that travel is part of her genetic make-up: whether physically, linguistically when learning a new language, or in literature whenever she immerses herself into the world of a good fantasy novel.

Picture of an employee

Apostroph: You grew up in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland. What left the biggest impression on you there? Where feels like home to you? And what have you seen of the big wide world?

I grew up in the beautiful countryside around Lucerne, in Willisau to be more precise, a charming place with fantastic activities and associations. Since I spent all of my school life in Willisau, the whole of my childhood and teenage years provide a natural connection with it: I have fantastic friends there and really enjoyed the sporting life the town offered.

My parents moved to Switzerland from Galicia in Spain in the early 1980s. So when I was young, I spent most of my holidays in Spain. The beautiful scenery with the sheer rock faces and the wild Atlantic seem to have a magnetic attraction and still draw me there every year – even today.

But I’m a great fan of travelling in general. I really love city trips: you experience so many exciting things in just a few days. But I have to say that the three months I spent in Australia to study the language really made a great impression on me. It gave me the chance to travel the country and I met so many wonderful people there.

How did you come across Apostroph and what prompted you to stay?

I came to Apostroph back in 2010 and started off working in project management – until I went on maternity leave in 2015.

At the start of this year, I was pleased to hear from Karin Heinzer who surprised me by offering me a job. So I’ve been part of the Vendor Management Team since May, and I love it! 

What do you like about languages and translation?

Well, I found languages fascinating from a very early age. And I was lucky enough to grow up with two languages and be blessed with a natural talent when it comes to languages. I’ve always enjoyed learning a new language. Everything about languages is so exciting: how they work, their individual characteristics, their origins and their development to the form they have today. And what all this background of a language means for a good translation.

Has anything at work or in life been challenging or exciting you recently?

The implementation of our new myFREELANCE portal – I’m so pleased that the freelancers absolutely love the portal. I take great pleasure in the diverse range of tasks in Vendor Management, whether that involves looking through interesting applications, creating blog posts or quite simply the everyday exchanges with freelancers and colleagues.

You know what they say about all work and no play. What do you like doing in your private life and in your free time?

I see my family as being my balance. And recently we acquired a hairy addition to the family: our dog Thiago now goes with us on our daily walks.

What book is on your bedside table and what’s your favourite listening on a relaxing Sunday morning?

Most of all I like reading fantasy novels – anything I can get my hands on. I love immersing myself in another world and escaping from my everyday routine for a while. And I’m also a big fan of real-crime podcasts. Music? I have music on in the background virtually all day.

Did you enjoy reading this post? Would you like to read more about the people of Apostroph? 

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