How would you describe your team in Mendrisio?
We are a committed, well-functioning team of women. Our strength is our cohesion. We like each other, treat each other with kindness and can rely on each other. Even in stressful moments, which are quite frequent at our company, we say to ourselves: No worries, we can do this together as a team. If necessary, one employee steps in to take over another employee’s duties, even at short notice. We have support from excellent freelance colleagues, who we can totally rely on. We have a wide range of specialist skills, so we can do pretty much everything – from technical translation to transcreation and copywriting.
One of your strengths is producing creative texts. What’s the secret to successful advertising copy?
You have to take a bold and courageous approach. It’s not about self-expression, but about honouring the product and the brand. When translating advertising texts, it’s essential to immerse yourself in the target culture. You have to move away from the original text and capture the emotions behind it. These must be authentically conveyed in the desired message. Culture and perception play an important role. People laugh differently, people think differently, and sensitivities are different. You have to keep that in mind. Take religion as an example. Catholics are more sensitive than Protestants in certain areas.
What are some of the other peculiarities in the Italian language?
Italian is only marginally influenced by English vocabulary, far less than German. There are German headlines which contain English words that wouldn’t work in Italian. An Italian headline has to be one thing above all: short! Negative formulations are taboo, whereas well-written rhymes and wordplay are highly appreciated!
Do you have some good examples of effectively transcreated advertising slogans?
This one worked great: Einfach verbunden (Simply connected), a Swisscom slogan. This was transcreated to Capirsi, semplicemente. To Ticino ears, it couldn’t have been said in a friendlier way because capirsi means so much more than understanding one other. The word also stands for relationship, reciprocity, empathy, undivided attention, acceptance and appreciation. In other words, exactly what makes up the Italian-speaking culture and the way we communicate. It is well known that our communication is livelier and we interact in a more dynamic way. Another example comes from Thomy: Aus Liebe zum Besseren (For love of better things) is the German slogan. The transcreation La scelta che s’impone (The inevitable choice) is bold and works well because it takes into account that we’re not yet ready to accept finished products such as mayonnaise as “better” in Ticino.
Interesting. Could you give us an example of a blunder now too?
Oh yes – there’s one that will never be forgotten in Ticino. Schweizer Bratbutter (Swiss clarified butter) became Burro per arrostire svizzeri. Unfortunately, this translates as: Butter for roasting Swiss people. I think this was launched in the early days of machine translation. A lot of water will need to pass under the bridge before artificial intelligence has reached the stage of being able to professionally translate creative texts.
Please tell us something about the Ticino dialect. How does it sound to someone from Florence, for example?
The Ticino dialect sounds just beautiful! And it’s widespread, including in Mendrisio. I love having friends over to my place for drinks, where almost only dialect is spoken. The dialect in northern Italy is similar to ours, but it would also be understood in Florence. Of course, they would probably have trouble understanding the dialect in the remote Ticino valleys, for example in the Bedretto Valley. I suspect it’s similar to a person from Zurich talking to a person from the Upper Valais.
What’s your favourite Italian word?
The most beautiful Italian word for me is persona, a word that combines soul, passion and intelligence. It’s just as beautiful as Mensch (person/human) in German.
What are three things you simply must see or do if you visit Mendrisio?
First, savour the authentic dishes in one of our grotti (simple taverns) together with one of the fine Ticino wines. Second, explore the mountains surrounding Mendrisio. On Monte San Giorgio and Monte Generoso, the view opens up to a magnificent 360° panorama. It evokes Zen-like feelings, helping the viewer to discover a sense of inner peace. And third, please visit us at the Apostroph office – the hospitality of the Momò, as people who live in Mendrisio are called, is guaranteed! After all, it’s well known that the most likeable, spontaneous and funny Ticino inhabitants live in the Mendrisiotto (laughs).
Grazie Valeria!
È stato un piacere.