Let’s explore myFREELANCE

You’re all familiar with our freelancer portal of course. Well, you know your way around the jobs section at least. But other parts of the portal, like the News section, get a lot less traffic and this can be bad news for you. If you don’t see our updates about maintenance work being performed on the server, you might unexpectedly find that you can’t access the server TMs and MultiTerm termbases when you really need them one day. Plus, you might end up missing out on interesting further education and online training opportunities. And who knows what else you could miss out on! Here’s a little taste of what you can find there...


Read all about it

We used to know when news updates would be coming. There would be the morning, lunchtime and evening news, with radio silence in between and maybe the occasional rustle of a newspaper. But we’re bombarded with news these days. It’s no wonder that people tend to stick to their go-to news sources because there’s just no way we can read everything.

One news source we’d love for you to start checking regularly is myFREELANCE. Yep, that’s right. The Apostroph myFREELANCE online portal has even more to offer than just being the place where you accept, deliver and invoice for jobs . The News section is always being updated with helpful and interesting content:

  • Handy tips and tricks on translation and tools
  • Information about training that will help you pick up new skills
  • Articles on the hottest topics in the industry (e.g. SEO and AI)
  • General feedback on the work our freelancers do, such as a list of the most common errors and ways to avoid making them
  • Notifications about maintenance work, so you can plan ahead and avoid times when our server TMs are going to be down
  • Updates on new members of the Apostroph team who you might end up working with soon
  • Fun content from our tea breaks and the Language Lounge

So it is highly advisable to regularly skim through the news messages. In this way, you will stay informed about the most important new developments.  

Read the latest news on myFREELANCE now


Let’s get personal

Another area of myFREELANCE that people often forget about is the profile. Freelancers are always asking us where they can find their personal details on our system. It has to be said that the profile section isn’t the easiest to find. Open the hamburger menu in the top left-hand corner and click on the little gear icon.



You’ll see that you can’t update most of the details yourself – including your fees. 😉 If you do ever want to change your personal details, fields of expertise, tools and so on, you just need to send an email to the Vendor Management team at freelance@apostrophgroup.ch. You can add your own absences at any point, which makes life so much easier for our project managers. Thank you!

Check your profile now

